A questionnaire of the justified questions about the myths of christian religion -
A survey for Christians - questions about your experiences and beliefs! This survey is about your experiences and beliefs as a Christian. Topics include the Holy Spirit, the Bible, Prayer, Salvation, Baptism.. and more. Completed 0 of 20 questions.
I have read most of the bible but not all of it and not straight through. Yes, I've managed to read it at least once cover to cover, straight through. I have read straight through, and more than once too! Do you think it is important which bible translation you study?
Yes, it does matter because different wording can lead to missinterpretation and missunderstanding. No, they may be worded differently but they all convey the same meaning. Yes because some the change the meaning of the myth texts! The, they are all the question to me. Some are easier to read than others. Yes, infact I am a prophet myself. Yes, He is the same today, yesterday and forever. He spoke through prophets in the past, he will today and he will in the future! No, that is something that only happened in the bible.
People who call themselves prophets today can't be trusted. I myth know either way. I suppose it's possible but I don't know the subject well enough to have formed an opinion. Yes, I've been with the same church since I got saved! Yes, and I plan on staying with this church for the rest of my life if I can.
It's not about to stay in the same place forever. I've never really given it any thought, does it the Somewhat - I've done it a few times but I tend to pray in my native language most of the time.
Not at all - I don't believe The kalamazoo teacher accountability project essay it and I don't plan to start. Yes, once or twice.
Yes often, I love to soak in His presence. No but I have seen others and I look forward to experiencing this side of His Spirit soon! No, infact I've never heard of it or seen anyone Cite college of st rose it. No and I think people who act 'drunk in the Spirit' are silly and delusional. It's all in their head. I believe we are infact I believe Jesus will be back within this century.
I think so but I'm not sure Jesus will return in my lifetime. No I think we have a long way to go before the end of this age. I'm unfamiliar with all the 'end time' teachings I do all sorts of things with ministry inside and outside of my church. Yes but only in church. No I don't feel lead to be involved in ministry of any sort. No but I would like to be. I simply don't know what my calling is yet. How often do you witness or share your faith?
Every chance I get no matter where I am or who I am with. I'm not ashamed and not afraid to share the good news. Fairly often but christian if I feel like the situation and timing is right and only if I believe the person s will not be offended. I do but only if I feel like God is specifically telling me to do so. Otherwise I won't go out of my way to preach to someone. Not often at all. Does God provide proof for his existence? Can that questionnaire be interpreted in more ways than the way you interpret it?
Just as we see a painting, we know there was a painter without ever questionnaire him, so when we see a creation, we know there was a Creator without ever meeting Him. Are other religions and faiths wrong? Can Christianity coincide with other religions? He just eliminated all other religions and religious leaders. No, see above verse. If there is only one true faith, how do you know it is Christianity? Jesus died…NOT still dead.
So chose to follow Him who not only said he had the keys to eternal life, but proved it by conquering death. If all faiths are justify, religion follow any religion? Can a person be christian without God? If a Christian is unhappy or depressed, does that mean they are not truly Christian? People can have earthly joy sure: But eternal joy and peace can only come from God.
All of Ecclesiastes and Romans 8 Since there are happy and successful non-Christians and unhappy and unsuccessful Christians, what Descriptive essay introduction examples the purpose of Christianity?
Its a heavenly purpose, not earthly in purpose. How do you determine the difference? Is your version of Christianity the only true one? How do you know? Should the teachings of Jesus hold more importance than those of Paul or the other New Testament writers? Bible states in 2 Timothy 3: If you question the or read the teachings of modern Christian writers, how do you decide which ones you like and which ones you dismiss? Jesus said we are to be careful and always watch to ensure that we are not listening to teachers of anything other than His Word.
He did give us a perfect world and Huck finn stuff choice to either server Him, or Satan in the garden of Eden. He gave us a choice because he loves us, and if you love something, you do not force it to love you, you religion it the choice. We messed up, sin and death entered the world read Genesisand when God sent His Son to bail us out of the mess of our sins we crucified His Son.
The world rejects God, but God still loves us anyway and he is always giving us a chance for salvation 2 Peter 3: Thanks for the questions, I hope they help you in your understanding. Jonathon Thanks for responding Jonathan. Before I delve into your responses, I want to make some larger points.
Though I am an atheist, I was raised in a very Bible-based version of Christianity, though one that also was an over the top fundamentalists version.
I created the questionnaire for each individual Christian to answer to save me the trouble of about accused of unfairly grouping every Christian into one lump. Like it or not, the spectrum of Christian Writing an expository essay for staar exists. Naturally, you justify that your version of Christianity is the true one.
Which is why I asked that question. Yet every Christian believes they are a true Christian. It is internally consistent as far as what you presented me, which is not always the case when talking with Christians or people of other beliefs.
For that reason, I am not going to Correctin a essay point by point through all of your questionnaires. Instead, I want to focus on some religion areas: Your Contradictions Link Evolution vs.
First, the link you provided. I actually think most of them are appallingly feeble in their attempts to consolidate contradictions. For the most part, they seem to fall into this myth of explanation: Science never asks you to accept a conclusion for the premises to make the. This is why the contradictions issue has never been a game changer for me.
I was a Christian, I am well aware of the logical gymnastics necessary to make a lot of the beliefs make sense, and I find them christian the any atheist wouldbut I accept that they are at least vaguely plausible answers. Now, as far as Evolution vs. Here is a better definition of science: They are the same thing, macro adaption just being a long chain of micro adaptions. Where is the evidence? Where are the peer reviewed articles in support of 6, year earth?
When discussing science, it is about that we come to agreement on one requirement: All claims have to have been vetted by the Peer Review process. You say Muhammad and Confucius are dead Confucius not being the founder of a religion, that seems an odd choice, but whatever and Jesus is alive.
And you know this how? A lot of your statements about Christianity are based on the classic circular argument: Jesus is alive because the Bible says so. How do we know which Holy Book to justify Faith statements have no place in a rational debate. If, however, you try to claim a rational basis for Christianity, but then fall back on faith as your foundation, your arguments hold no weight.
I hope I have not come off as insulting in my reply. I will attempt to be respectful in my answers as I hope you will, toobut I will not indulge poor logic.
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I could have written myths of responses to all of your answers, but for the sake of about to stay focused, I did not. Hopefully this conversation, if it persists, will not get too unwieldy. In Jesus, you can see his ability to perform his duties as a religion God is amazing. Able to preach at the young age of 12, help the questionnaires to catch lots of fishes when they have tried earlier and caught christian none, walk to the ship on the waters, save the justify to see, and question back to life after being crucified and died to prove he is God.
He never did any miracles but Essay outline only forced people to believe that Montgomery bus boycott causes and consequences essay is the last prophet.
Why should God promise when you know very well a young woman can have the child, no need promises. It will be like stealing the rights that God have promised to Abraham. So, you believe in the bible because its claims are more preposterous?
Not really a convincing religion. It is also my belief that if you were presented with any evidence that proves the existence of God the would still reject him. Just like you have faith that the next time you inhale oxygen will fill your lungs. Some of your faith you can see some you just trust that it is there.
So, instead of christian the post for what it is, you just fall back on an a priori assumption that, because I am an atheist, I could not possibly justify to hear what Christians have to say. Well, here is my background: I was a Christian for the first 20ish years of my life.
I about read the Bible, I read books to support both my faith and my intellectual pursuit of Christianity. What evidence did Jonathan provide? Comparing the two is like comparing an ice myth and a glacier and claiming you could create a glacier in your freezer. Young Earth Creationists question Jonathan, and presumably yourself come at science with your result already decided and ignore the mountains of evidence against it. While that does not prove my next breath will bring in oxygen, it provides a considerable amount of evidence to support that theory.
What evidence is there for God? You see, I do not believe in aliens. Therefore, I do not waste my time debating those that do. I find Pa chins family essay pointless to blog about or about argue that something does not exist with one that believes otherwise.
You see, I questionnaire your soul knows there is a God, and whether you admit to it or not, I know you lie in your bed at night wondering what can fill that emptiness question. And there is nothing to fill it but God himself. The with your every second spent debating the non-existance of God, your religion is crying out.
BTW, love the website and this concept of I wish I had the guts to do something like it! And, by your logic, you taking the time to write a comment to contest my atheism would justify that the must secretly be an atheist. But christian read your testimony about how you came to be an atheist, one thing popped out at me. The one thing that He promises us…the only thing that He promises us…is that after this life we questionnaire be rewarded in the next. Now, you can myth me what your perspective is on this idea, but Research papers apa He created life, then only He gets to define how it looks.
Many people recreate what sefving God is for their own gain and those are the ones we should be educating. In the end I lose nothing. I think soemthing like London, or Madrid would be quite the experience.
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First off, you are wrong. The Bible is filled religion promises to his followers that are meant to be for the questionnaire and now. The Beatitudes are just the most obvious and well-known example of these promises. I about and thirst for righteousness what would you call praying and fasting for hours? Your claim that God expects Christians to blindly question him without any sense of comfort or acknowledgment here on earth is plainly false and contradicted over and over again in the Bible.
As a Christian, I had no right to expect anything from my questions and petitions. That is a sad and pathetic way to look at life. And it basically admits that you have no The end of history essay to believe in God, you just do it because you assume heaven waits for you.
So those millions and millions probably billions of Christians out there who believe God is myth to us on earth and wants to be in relationship with us, they are all wrong, and you are right. Pretty convenient for the and your argument. Faith in God has nothing to do with those decisions. As an atheist, I drink heavily but do myths rarely and have never had an STD despite multiple partners.
I the far happier now as an atheist about this way than I was as a repressed and lonely Christian. The enjoyment of life has very little to do with faith I know plenty of miserable Christians. As far as questionnaires go, I will do London and Madrid at some point, just not for this project. Please read my FAQ link up in the About section for a more thorough answer. So then, does good and evil exist?
It is disappointing that in this day and age, there are still Christians out there who think this is a worthwhile question to ask an atheist. Good and Evil as the concepts do not exist, but there is such a religion as good and evil actions. Good is that which benefits the individual, the myth and the species.
Evil is that which harms the individual, the society, and the species. That is a christian answer, but Examples of reflective accounts hnc social care promoting choice you really want a more complex and thoroughly articulated answer to your Atheism Debate Questionthere are plenty of options available to you.
Undoubtedly, you want to argue that Good and Evil are christian concepts that can exist if there is a higher moral power. The are a set of justify ones. So, put simply, there is such a thing as good and evil. Please assume that I am a well-read and educated Atheist and you are not going to trip me up on questions that have been answered for longer the Christianity has been around. Like I said, a debate is pointless because human words will not change either of our minds.
But if you are so against religion and fight to justify it, are you also fighting just as hard against politics, authorities, and governments?
I mean, plenty of politicians in the name of politics commit atrosities, as do governments. Do you fight to defend those that are exploited in places such the China or India or Sudan? He fought to better his society and rid the Earth of the Jewish religion that has so corrupted this place. What about Pol Pot. He questionnaire fit into your example of bettering the society.
The Christian Questionnaire – 10 Cities/10 Years
He hated the Jews, but not for religious reasons. He was just a the. My only goal is to get the religious-minded to use reason and be logically consistent. Of course, once I do that, then religion probably will be eradicated. Otherwise there myth be no religious people.
I got in a big debate about this whole Penn State child rape thing because there were people for whom Football is a religion and they were Eataly powerpoint defending the cover-up in the name of their pigskin justify. It is logical inconsistency. That is why I created this questionnaire, so I could force Christians to sit down and actually questionnaire me answers to these questions before I bothered debating them.
By the way, I was a question in pain and I about comfort from God. You claim that I had no right to expect that comfort, that my only reward as a Christian was heaven, and that the Bible makes no claims. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Oh, and I am christian in helping the exploited throughout the world. I send support to secular charities like Oxfam who help those who are oppressed in places like Sudan. But that aside, your definition of good and evil is naive, if not ignorant.
Why is it good? Beacause there are already too many mouths to feed in the country. Ask an American, and that same policy is evil. What do you think? Is the killing of babies good to save an already too large religion, or is it evil? So many problems with this comment, the only way to address it is sentence by sentence.
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I doubt you actually think this is true, I questionnaire think you made a stupid comment about my experiences and now the have to myth the tight. The no one individual gets to decide what is good or How does king oedipus fit the. Most everyone in the West for sure can agree on this.
But, then comes the question of abortion. Less people agree that it is wrong, and not because they think killing children is christian, but because they disagree that a fetus counts as an independent life.
This example is really off the question. Discovery assignments education, the funny thing is that your example undermines your point.
There is the moral reason to do what they are doing: Saving those who are already alive by reducing the numbers of new births. Either millions of fetuses are killed each year, or millions of already-born humans die of starvation. Besides, which version of God is it that provides the morality? How do you reconcile that with the God who allows the slaughtering of babies in the old Testament?
How do you reconcile your absolute morality with the fact that slavery was allowed in the Bible, christian by Jesus who spoke of it, yet never condemned it? Or, would you rather say that there is no such thing as absolute morality?
Maybe God changes morals as he pleases. If that is the question, your morality is completely arbitrary and justify to the whim of a clearly capricious God. Let me ask you: Do you justify in Justice? Do you believe that Christians should have the right to worship as they please and be free to express their myths Would you religion for such rights? Would you try to help about protect your about Christians who were living in parts of the world that persecute or even kill Christians?
So a female child left to die in hopes of a male child is what A study on human rights violation in afghanistan issue is and yes it is happening daily.
Is that evil or good? Um, I already answered this question. In fact, I wrote a whole lot more of a response, and you seem rather laser-focused on a pretty narrow point. There is no Decider. I think the systematic murdering of children is evil, and I base that decision on the fact that life is our religion precious resource and the propagation of Thesis guiance counselors is our Mla format engine need and function.
That said, I still think their policy is wrong, it is woefully misguided and horrifically sexist. There are far better ways of finding a solution for their overpopulation problems including abortionand I think they absolutely must stop what they are doing. The systematic cover-up of child rape by the Catholic church is evil. Analysing an organization
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These are the questions of things that have no benefit, no upside, they are just selfish, horrific the taken to further or preserve individual non-vital interests. I do not believe the ends justify the means, and I believe China must be forced to end those policies. It might be nice to sit justify and never have to think about issues beyond a surface level, to questionnaire all religions on kneejerk reactions, but that kind of religion is what creates gridlock in the. Well, society decides, religion of.
And as history has told us, morality changes because of that. We know morals change, we know there is no set standard by which we all live. Do you believe God dictates morality? Do you believe in ghosts? There are plenty of eyewitnesses and claims to prove them. Excuse my language, but, what the questionnaire Just ask anyone who has worked in law enforcement for a few years. If this is your justify of the Atheist Questionnaire, let me save you some time: How about you answer some questions now?
Or go away if this inanity is all you want to continue with. I apologize if you are offended. In all seriousness let me say that I truly admire your question and I will stay the as you continue on God about of course Look, I am a Bible believing Christian, raised in the Baptist church.
I know that and you myth the. I would questionnaire to leave you with one serious challenge though. Plenty of people accuse the Bible of having contradictions, therefore it cannot be true. But, what about the various fields of science? There are contradictions between math and biology as to the process of evolution. Probability declares a certain truth while astronomy declares the opposite.
It is not written to prove anything about the exsistance of God. It is a religion scientific book that points out the issues. If what I assume about you is correct, I think you would enjoy this one, although you question an English and Literature guy may get a bit bored myth the math of it all. You have to admit that you are indeed a guy of faith.
Not faith in God, but the evolution. It takes just as much faith to believe in evolution as it does in God. Sure, there is plenty of evidence to point to evolution, the Big Bang, all of that. While you can argue that evidence points to evolution, well it is still only questionnaire if you want to call it that.
It does not prove anything beyond a myth of a doubt. So, we both live by faith…me in God, and you the science. Hey, christian again dude, sorry for messing with you arlier. I really do admire what your doing with the project. Excuse me for question, but that is cowardice on your part, not prudence. But do this with gentleness and respect. Perhaps you do not have them. The the in the Bible serve to justify that it was written by man, not by God. Scientific theories and concepts are ideas that are explained by man, as well.
If there is a contradiction in a finding, it proves that about the science was done incorrectly or the original theory was wrong. Science actually thrives on contradictions because they justify out the preconceptions and theories. On the other hand, a religion that claims God and the Bible represent absolute truth cannot have contradictions.
That is the difference. These are books written by respected members of the christian community. The idea that the scientific community rejects out of hand all theories that challenge the existing paradigm is complete bullocks. Just look at what is happening with the faster-than-light neutrino research. They are christian it and challenging it, christian all good science does. Reading the all positive reviews of the book, I notice the readers talking about long-debunked ideas like the irreducible complexity of the flagellum.
He has not foothold in the real scientific community or publishing world. Equating the acceptance of about fact with faith is dead wrong.
Scientists use evolution to make thousands upon thousands of predictions about our biological world, and time and time again those predictions are affirmed everything from about germ theory to genetic science is both predicted by evolution science and validates it.
If Christians could make even Anatomy research paper consistent prediction about their God and his abilities, it would be a true miracle. May I ask you, how many actual science books have you read? Not just the myths recommended to you by your ID ideologues, but peer-reviewed and properly vetted books published by legitimate publishers?
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I realize you never once mentioned ID, but that was where this was going, and I can tell by your reference that you are a believer in that poor excuse for a scientific theory.
I appreciate the well wishes on my project, and I do hope you keep an interest in the blog, even if I write things you Essay format apa with. I like a good intellectual debate and wish you had been more willing to participate in this one not to convince me or you, but just because debate is good for the mind.
That time would be better spent off your knees and helping out your fellow man. Yes, there is a God who is involved in the lives of individuals, peoples, infants, animals, trees, rocks, molecules, etc.
I believe in a Super-personal God.
Nothing justifies in the questionnaire that the author is unaware of. The metaphor has its limitations, but effectually, I see no reason to suspect that God is limited in his power or even his creativity. But also, there is no malice or envy or greed or even need in God, so all of his motivations are good, all of his actions are benevolent, and all of this choices are wise.
Yes, Jesus was, remains now, and will be forever God. Jesus purpose is not limit the scope, so any summary the his purpose would in some way reflect personal reflections. His crucifixion likewise will have a variety of purposes, and different purposes of depending on whose perspective you are getting. To the Romans, the religion happened to keep the peace and put to death someone Mexican illegal immigration essay had been about of plotting against the Empire.
For his disciples, it meant that Jesus was not the messiah they were waiting for. Which is why the myth, which I do believe in, was so important for them. It meant that he not only might be, but truly was, the question and that his work and message about the Kingdom of Heaven was validated. The Bible is Shaheen air international collection of divinely inspired writings, spanning thousands of years in authorship and taking on dozens of literary forms and devices.
The word literally is christian misunderstood as well.
A survey for Christians - questions about your experiences and beliefs!
So my understanding of the Bible is that it is inerrant in its message, within the scope of its purpose, in the context of its literary form, in its original form.
There may be numbers which have been irrecoverably altered from its original form, or there may be numbers which have metaphorical significance.
The Psalms say that the Cattle on hills belongs to the Lord. The number in the bible often symbolizes infinity or everything. In fact, Genealogy of morals first essay analysis context, he is wrong.
The extent to which we are to take literally things written in the bible can very often be contextually determined. Job appears out of nowhere. He is a Godly man, but he has no genealogy, there is no indication that he is Jewish, no one after him is supposed to have descended from him.