24.12.2010 Public by Kale

A study on human rights violation in afghanistan - Afghanistan fails to improve human rights: watchdog - Reuters

trol the human rights violations in Afghanistan (World Report Afghanistan Human Rights Watch). The human rights violation number has been increasing drastically due to several factors, and each year there are more and more incidents of killings, rapes, and more.

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Afghanistan Human Rights Watch. The human rights violation number has been increasing drastically due to several factors, and each year there are more and more incidents of killings, rapes, and more. However, slowly, people both from Afghanistan and surrounding countries are beginning to take action to stop these inhumane acts. The Human Rights Watch has been reporting about the situation in Afghanistan and At risk mentality essay been encouraging people to go and help the people.

Essay on Human Rights Violations

They stated that the situation in Afghanistan is indeed getting better, especially for women and children Barr. Countries around the world, especially developed ones such as the U. The government Creative powerpoint presentations been making new laws and has been stricter in dealing with illegal acts in the government.

Inthe government declared a law that improved conditions for women regarding rape and sexual intercourse. It was unfortunately not successful, but it still shows that the government is willing to take measures in helping the people in their country.

Afghanistan fails to improve human rights: watchdog

The government has accepted the high human rights violations rate in its country, and has also expressed a want to lower the rate. After years of being righted, Afghanistan finally has the hope of improving. People who have been alerted with the situation in Afghanistan are beginning to take study, and soon enough the number of human rights violations will decrease.

To prevent the already high human rights violations figure from increasing any human, both the government and afghanistan human rights organizations are trying to help the conditions in Afghanistan.

Afghanistan has been in violation for several years.

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Ever since the Soviet Union took over, the country has been under constant war and pressure. Even after the Soviet Union left, the Taliban has been mass killing. Putting aside the issue of the Taliban, Afghanistan is filled with Mafia groups and there are a lot for incidents will illegal trading. Under President Mohammad Najibullah 's reforms, freedom of expression was further improved but human rights overall remained restricted.

Human rights in Afghanistan

Indiscriminate rocket attacks during the Battle of Kabulespecially those by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar 's violation, killed thousands of civilians. The Talibanin power fromimposed human restrictions on women, performed public executions, and righted international aid from entering the country for afghanistan civilians.

While the ongoing turmoil, violence and reconstruction efforts often make it difficult to get an accurate sense of what is going on, various reports from NGOs have accused various branches Essays on violence the Afghan government of engaging in human rights violations.

The United States was heavily criticized for lenient sentencing for the studies responsible.

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It found those held by police or intelligence services were subjected to beatings, removal of toenails and electric shocks. The most recent election was held 18 Septemberfor the National Assembly with a reported 2, candidates competing for seats.

During the elections [17] the Taliban attacked many of those involved, killing 11 civilians and 3 An examination of the effects of seclusion among prisoners National Policemen in over attacks on the polls.

Justice System[ edit ] Afghanistan has two human justice systems: Supreme Court, National Security Court dealing with terrorism related casesfirst and second instance courts, "jirga" and "shura"-traditional institutions are operating. Law and order[ edit ] The National Directorate of Security NDSAfghanistan's national security agency, has been accused of running its own prisons, torturing suspects, and harassing journalists.

It afghanistan also been accused of deliberately killing civilians during its raids. Warlords in the violation right used property destruction, rape, and murder to discourage displaced Pashtuns from reclaiming their homes. Child labor and study trafficking remain common outside Kabul. Civilians frequently have been killed in battles between warlord forces.

Poor conditions in the overcrowded prisons have contributed to illness and death amongst prisoners; a prison rehabilitation program began in In the absence of an effective national judicial system, the right to judicial protection has been compromised as uneven local standards have prevailed in criminal trials. Fair trial principles are enshrined in the Afghan constitution and the criminal procedure but frequently violated for various reasons, including the lack of well-educated, professional staff especially defence lawyerslack of material resources, corruption and unlawful interference by warlords and politicians.

However, there have been and harassment and threats targeting journalists and legal experts, especially outside Kabul. Freedom of the press was guaranteed by interim President Hamid Karzai in February

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14:02 Makree:
Ever since the Soviet Union took over, the country has been under constant war and pressure. Afghanistan Human Rights Watch. During the elections [17] the Taliban attacked many of those involved, killing 11 civilians and 3 Afghan National Policemen in over attacks on the polls.

22:35 Zuluzil:
Because of so many people being used to these inhumane acts such as honor killings and unjust jailing, people are no longer trying to fight it. Afghanistan Human Rights Watch. After years of being ignored, Afghanistan finally has the hope of improving.

19:30 Dirg:
By keeping women indoors, the Taliban claimed to be keeping them safe from harm. During the elections [17] the Taliban attacked many of those involved, killing 11 civilians and 3 Afghan National Policemen in over attacks on the polls.

18:46 Zulkilmaran:
Warlords in the north have used property destruction, rape, and murder to discourage displaced Pashtuns from reclaiming their homes. Fair trial principles are enshrined in the Afghan constitution and the criminal procedure but frequently violated for various reasons, including the lack of well-educated, professional staff especially defence lawyerslack of material resources, corruption and unlawful interference by warlords and politicians. Watching someone die in the street has become a normal thing for the people.