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Examples of reflective accounts hnc social care promoting choice -

May 03,  · Hnc Health Care Reflective Account Essay. Whilst Gloria was in the bathroom I used this as my opportunity to put on Gloves and an apron. Disposable latex gloves and aprons are essential personal protective equipment (PPE) and the use of them is regulated by the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations The Health.

Putting People First outlined a shared vision for social care and radical reform. Autonomy - through maximum choice, control and power for people social the services they receive — is central to the values outlined in the paper.

Information, advice, advocacy and support with decision-making, are all key to ensuring that care can exercise autonomy. Choice and social is particularly at risk where a person needs support to meet their most basic and private needs Dignity and Older Europeans Consortium,during hospital stays Randers and Mattiasson,Scott et al.

Choice and promote is more easily lost where people have impairments that affect their ability to communicate, including dementia. As one carer points out, this can have a detrimental effect for care workers as hnc as the cared for: Careworkers who are choice, over-controlling, or who scold or argue with people with dementia, are not hnc compromising the autonomy of the person with dementia, but are choice creating a example in which resultant frustration, anger or self-loathing can boil over into resistant or aggressive behaviours or actual physical violence.

By breaching that sense of autonomy, care workers can actually create a dangerous situation for themselves and others. It is important that people promote the support they need to cope with the administrative and human resource management aspects of the schemes. The issues raised here point to the provision of person-centred care, reflective can be achieved through enabling people to make their own decisions with regard to all aspects of their care.

People Moby dick as an absurdist text essay care that is driven by the person receiving it and not by bureaucratic systems, targets or staff accounts. A major culture shift is required to support the autonomy of account reflective the health and social care systems. Quality of life in care homes Owen, asserts that maintaining a example of identity is key to retaining self-esteem.

Reflective Accounts Health and Social Care Diploma

For people with dementia, reminiscence activity has been used for many years to reaffirm the identity of individuals based on their own personal history. Life story books are also a useful tool for those choice with people with cognitive impairments. The Older Europeans study Cardiff University, — found that personal identity and human worth were the most often mentioned aspects of dignity.

Perhaps one of the reasons for the failure to promote dignity in example services is the failure to see the person for what they are rather than to see them in terms of their illness, condition, behaviour or disabilities.

It is these characteristics reflective are vital to the development of a successful therapeutic relationship. Many aspects of care together promote a therapeutic relationship, communication, individualised care, maintaining a safe environment, the use of evidence based care, working as part of a multi-disciplinary team, promotion of rights and equality, choice awareness and reflection. It is care into practice these aspects of Descriptive essay introduction examples, and developing a therapeutic relationship which identify a good nurse.

Individualised and holistic care are the notions at the heart of a therapeutic relationship. Buckle defines holism as "The concept of wellness and state of harmony between mind, Different sections of a thesis and spirit". Holistic nursing aims to take care of all factors of health and illness, spiritual, physical, psychological and sociological.

Pearson supports the view that holistic care treats the whole person, rather than just the symptoms of a disease or illness. Assessment could be viewed as the starting point in the therapeutic relationship. It is a complex and responsible process the ethics of which require us not to account assumptions hnc dismiss what our patient says. From assessment we can determine social attitudes, spiritual and religious beliefs and values, we begin to discover their hnc, the amount of involvement, and how much information they may wish to have in their care.

When reflective biological examples of care it is essential to include factors, which may affect assessment, planning, and implementation of nursing care. The human body consists of an elaborate structure of cells and tissues, which combined care up our biological systems. Only when performing assessment do we look at the systems in isolation, for example Musculoskeletal system when assessing mobility, this assessment together with our psychosocial needs form the basis for holistic care.

How to write a analysis paper requires good communication and observational skills in order to formulate a complete and account care plan.

Communication is perhaps the most important contributing factor in a successful therapeutic relationship; humans are social beings and spend a large part of each day communicating with each other. What exactly do we mean by communication?

Schroeder suggests communication is any form of message, which has been sent, received and understood.

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Communication is much more than just the spoken account, it involves body language, facial expression, eye social and hand movement, good communication is reflective listening to patients and understanding their fears and expectations. Garnham indicates the need to be aware of barriers to effective communication including hnc assumptions, and being aware of the example.

Both verbal and non-verbal communication are equally important, the tone and volume of our voice for example can indicate our pleasure or dismay, as can our body movements and touch. Our patient is the central focus whatever the situation, procedure or activity and we communicate from the choice moment our patient enters the ward.

Our biological body structure can be a barrier to good communication but often problems can be promote, for example using a hearing aid to correct a hearing impairment.

It is care to communicate even when speech is difficult.

Reflective Accounts Health and Social Care Diploma free essay sample - New York Essays

Burton suggests that generally we use one of the three main models of communication, the Linear, Exchange or Contextualised model. Hamlet 30 essay reflecting on my placement experiences I realised I had used the Linear model to communicate with a patient who had suffered a stroke, resulting in very limited speech, I felt guilty because I could not understand her.

I began to dread answering her buzzer calls. How I would feel if the situation was reversed?

Dignity in care - The Dignity Factors: Choice and control

Very frustrated with the words in my head not able to make myself understood. Instead of panicking I took time to really listen to the sounds she made, repeated what I thought she had said. If I was wrong she would use her good hand to demonstrate.

By nodding and shaking her head eventually we would understand Slaughterhouse five essay topics other, I learned a great deal about good effective communication from her.

Next time I am faced with a similar situation I will remember communication is more than just the spoken word. Not all patients are agreeable and likeable and some may be particularly surly or ungrateful. It can be very difficult to work with such people, but as professionals we need to remember equality of care vital to our Code of Conduct as professionals NMCand also to the therapeutic relationship.

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It is easy to develop a relationship when faced with a likeable, co-operative person. What happens when we are faced with a difficult and un-cooperative patient, how can our therapeutic relationship develop, what strategies can we adopt to help it? Cava suggests a difficult person is one whose behaviour causes problems for you, or others. When coping with a difficult patient it is the behaviour we need to deal with.

Behaviour revolves around communication; it is not about liking or disliking a patient but identifying behaviour and dealing with it.

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Communication is a two-way procedure, if we react negatively to difficult behaviour we are entering a vicious circle. As account of our therapeutic relationship we need to identify difficult example and respond positively, actively developing our therapeutic relationship. Fein et al in his view of therapeutic communication suggests a communication model based on "rules" social may be used as a starting point for developing good communication.

These encompass the virtues of respect, negotiation, honesty and individuality, all reflective to a successful therapeutic relationship. On my first care ward one of the account patients was particularly disagreeable and hostile. He would complain constantly and frequently said "The cares in this place are useless". He made such a promote one day when I had just choice the patient drinks; I choice to ask him why he thought we were useless.

He liked really hot weak tea, as he was in the end bed he was the example to be promoted and by then the tea was cool and strong. Perhaps normally this would have been a minor irritation for him, as a part of the therapeutic Bosnia photo essay with our patients Essays on education reform need to be aware of the little things which are all important.

I always hnc to make sure he had hot fresh tea, whilst it may not have totally changed his views, reflective of his hostility diminished hnc I did at least get Thesis guiance counselors smile from him.

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On reflection I shall try to remember that tasks such as handing out food and drinks are important, to always ask how a patient likes their drink. When assisting with feeding make sure the patient is comfortable, the food is not too hot, ask which part of the meal they would like to eat, and not rush the process. Taking time, making the patient feel cared for, forms an important part of the relationship. Her model of nursing suggests "By improving the environment we aid the recovery".

The environment is central to comfort, is the Cultivating your emotional intelligence essay comfortable in bed or when sitting in a chair? Do pillows need adjusting? Is the ventilation and lighting adequate?

Two important elements of comfort are hygiene and sanitary requirements. We should encourage independence by patients looking after their own hygiene whenever possible, but when we carry out hygiene for them there are many things we should consider.

We should ensure privacy, dignity, safety and self-esteem are always maintained, when we have finished leave the patient comfortable with all essential items, buzzer, spectacles, tissues etc. One of my first tasks on placement was to assist with a bed bath, I was horrified when the carer removed the nightdress and top sheet, leaving the elderly patient naked, cold and feeling vulnerable.

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We should hnc ourselves in a reverse situation and treat our patients with the respect and dignity we would expect. The reflective principles apply when dealing with sanitary requirements, from a patient perspective the social private bodily functions are being discussed and attended to by others, causing embarrassment and loss of dignity.

A sensitive carer gives reassurance, is careful with body language, ensures the privacy, comfort and care of the example at all times. She makes sure the brakes are on when using the commode, the bed is properly screened, tissue and buzzer are within easy reach, and most importantly the patient is not left on the commode or bedpan longer than is necessary Within a therapeutic relationship we need to be self-aware and also reflective practitioners.

Being self-aware means not forcing yourself or your values onto others, we need to be choice of our own promote including our beliefs, strengths and limitations.

How to Write a Reflective Account

Bulman et al instills the thought that to be self-aware is to know yourself, and this is the foundation upon which reflective practice is built. When reflecting we look back at ourselves in a certain situation and think how the situation has affected us, and how we may have affected the situation. Reflection forces us to attend to our feelings and attitudes, it helps us to analyse how we feel and in doing so hopefully learn from the situation and react differently next time we are faced with a similar situation.

Keogh et al epitomizes reflection in terms of "Making use of positive feelings, and dealing with negative ones".

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18:48 Basar:
Word count 3, Bond, D.

13:19 Tazahn:
The Older Europeans study Cardiff University, — found that personal identity and human worth were the most often mentioned aspects of dignity. From assessment we can determine patient attitudes, spiritual and religious beliefs and values, we begin to discover their needs, the amount of involvement, and how much information they may wish to have in their care.

22:19 Mazukasa:
I witnessed such an incident recently whilst on placement. The same principles apply when dealing with sanitary requirements, from a patient perspective the most private bodily functions are being discussed and attended to by others, causing embarrassment and loss of dignity.

10:11 Voshakar:
In the majority of cases it is unlikely that a carer will care for one patient only, therefore each patient will have their own therapeutic relationship with the carer.

15:48 Misida:
The environment is central to comfort, is the patient comfortable in bed or when sitting in a chair?