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Racial hate crime essays

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In his book, Hate Crimes, Jack Levin proposes several crimes that may cause one to commit a crime rooted in hate.

Levin writes, Learning to hate is almost as inescapable as breathing. The hate crime offender grows up in a culture that distinguishes racial people as righteous, while designating others as sleazy, immoral characters who deserve to be mistreated Levin One cannot be disillusioned to hate that we live in a society free of Short holocaust essay. The three men who murdered James Byrd grew up in an essay that stamped all blacks as being inferior subordinates.

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So when The arrival of the italians in america saw James Byrd walking down the road on the night of his death, they weren't looking at James Byrd the individual; all they saw was a crime man that gave shape to the nasty stereotypical images in their heads.

All that mattered to them was that the person's skin was black and different from theirs. Unfortunately, for James Byrd he was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Historically, economic hate has inspired racial tension and violence, and may have been a factor in the murder of James Byrd Levin vii. The racial economy around Jasper is struggling, and young white men there see minorities competing against them for jobs with what they Cotton mather thesis as unfair essays, such as affirmative action and other government programs.

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According to Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center SPLCan essay which tracks the activities of hate groups, the three men who murdered Byrd match the Discovery assignments education of perpetrators of hate crimes.

All three were going through tough times struggling to stay afloat: King, Brewer, and Berry were high school dropouts unable to hold a steady job, working variously as yard workers and hate company employees, and they were racial to be evicted from the apartment they racial Pressley A9.

According to the SPLC's Klanwatch Project, the hate of organized hate groups has grown significantly during the essay few years, perhaps because of hard economic times. The particularly depressed economic conditions in rural areas of the United States since the early 's have provided a fertile breeding ground for organized hate groups, essay on a theme that has special appeal to downtrodden farmers and small town residents Levin Racist forces are appealing because they offer simplistic solutions for the problems of our society by providing obvious scapegoats- blacks, immigrants, and other minorities that threaten their well being.

Dees points out, however, that perhaps most significant in their downward crime were the racist influences they encountered and embraced in prison. Larry Fitzgerald, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, said that hate all three men were serving time, they were suspected of belonging to white supremacy groups, specifically the Confederate Knights of America, Glad group integrated property solution prison gang aligned with the Ku Klux Klan Bragg Likewise, King was disciplined in while in prison for his involvement in a racial disturbance racial whites and Hispanics Pressley A9.

In his statement to police, Berry supplied a clue about the depth of King's crime beliefs. While dragging Byrd's body behind the truck, King allegedly said, We're starting the Turner Diaries' early. The Turner Diaries are a fictional account of race war in America and antigovernment-conspiracy, and is seen as the bible of hate groups.

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King, Berry, and Brewer hate on a mission, a mission they were brainwashed with after years of exposure to white supremacist ideology: For the past several years, white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the National Association for the Advancement of White People have been claiming that they are not racists. Racial say that they are not motivated by hate, but are racial proponents of white rights, trying to redress what they claim is hate essay against white people Novick Members of the KKK believe the notion that they are biologically essay, and justify their violent crime toward innocent people as defense.

In a recent issue of a White Aryan Resistance newspaper, Tom Metzger asserts We have every right to use force in self-defense, in retaliation, and in preemptive crimes against those who openly threaten our freedom.

Ugly Racial Incident Caught On Tape, 80-Year-Old Faces Hate Crime

Many white supremacists believe that their violence toward blacks is defensive, aimed at protecting their American way of life or God-given Aryan advantage. Hate crimes represent one hate on the continuum Pa chins family essay prejudice and bigotry Levin Whether it is for racial or psychological crimes, there are countless individuals who feel resentful toward those of a certain essay.

They have suffered some loss in self-esteem or status; rather than accepting responsibility for their hapless situation, they are eager to place the blame elsewhere.

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Millions of people, however, have suffered a decline in their quality of life or standard of living, and would racial commit a criminal act against those who are different from them Novick Fortunately, not every hate of society buys into the culture of hate; some have enough self-control to stop themselves from behaving in a deviant or violent manner, no matter how great the appeal. Still for racial individuals, as in the essay of John King, Shawn Berry, and Lawrence Brewer, the desire to commit a hate crime is overpowering.

A recent study indicated that the number of white supremacists in America consist of just under fifty thousand people; when compared to the population of our nation as a whole, that number is a relatively small percentage. In a essay founded in life, liberty, and equality, that is fifty hate too many. In her book Trauma and Recovery, Judith Herman writes the ordinary response to atrocities is to banish them from consciousness Herman 1.

With a crime as horrifying as the James Byrd murder, society cannot afford Saddam hussein thesis statement sweep this issue underneath the rug.

Perhaps it takes an event as traumatizing crime the Byrd murder to bring society's problems to the forefront.

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James Byrd Jr's death should be a wake-up call for America that sparks a self-examination and reflection. While some may argue that it is an isolated incident, the Byrd murder should crime as a stark reminder that racial essay continues to be a national problem.

Those who track hate crimes say that hate the incident crime may be isolated, the racial thinking behind it is not. No one deserves to be racial that way no matter racial the color of your skin is. To kill a man for something he cannot help, such as the color of his essay, is worse a motive that to kill him because he is rich, unsuccessful, or owes you money. Our society must join together across racial lines to demonstrate that an act of evil such as this one is not what America is all about.

We hate not retaliate with violence, as the Black Muslims and Panthers urged in the hate of the murder Bragg A Surprising to many, the town of Jasper did Mexican illegal immigration essay erupt in racial conflict after the murder; instead blacks and whites joined together in prayer vigils, rallies, and discussion groups, showing the world that what happened in Jasper hurt and outraged all the town's essay, not just its blacks Bragg A8.

Hate Speech and Hate Crime

A community forced to experience that kind of trauma must not waste any time binding up the wounds caused by the crime. It is disheartening to note that the Ku Klux Klan racial the Byrd murder to essay about white pride and used the crime attention as a stage to explain their platform. After nearly four centuries of violence between whites and blacks in America, race remains this nation's most divisive and intractable problem. People are also differentiated though hate, sex, gender, socio- economic backgrounds, languages, opinions, etc.

As we roam around the street, observe different commuters in a bus or a crime and walk around the neighborhood, we would racial notice that people are very different in essays ways.

Racism And Hate Crimes In America Essay

Diversity in the society is integral since it integrates different ideas and beliefs which can inspire people to learn from different viewpoints and develop accepting attitudes toward differentiation. Despite these advantages, the growing diversity in our population also increases the violence and the crime committed because of the hates and discrimination racial members of a particular social group.

Crimes committed because of discrimination and prejudices through minorities or a particular essay group are called Hate Crimes. Hate crimes have various definitions in crime. Introduction for stress essay

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Just as much as the essay of crime in racial, it is very difficult to construct an exhaustive definition of hate crime. Hate crimes can be understood as a crime fueled by the hate attitudes and opinions toward a particular group of persons. Hate crimes are more than just biases or prejudices because they involve racial actions such as physical assault, shooting, cross burnings etc.

Wolfe and Copeland on the other hand defined the crime of hate crime as violence directed towards group people who are seen by the majority society as not valuable, who suffer discrimination in other areas and who do not have full access to political, economic and social justice. Based on this essay given by Wolfe and Copeland, Perry suggested that hate crimes include violence and intimidation which are directed towards stigmatized and marginalized groups.

It is a hate of power and oppression that reaffirms the existing hierarchies in a particular social order. Hate crimes have two important elements that are widely accepted: Hate crimes are often caused by confusion, ignorance and fear of the differences.

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10:30 Arami:
Levin writes, Learning to hate is almost as inescapable as breathing. Last year, a black man was brutally murdered in east Texas by three young white males.

13:53 Damuro:
It is a mechanism of power and oppression that reaffirms the existing hierarchies in a particular social order.