11.07.2010 Public by Kale

Spanish french english colonies

Start studying Compare the motives behind the colonization efforts of the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch; and explain how and why colonies established by these nations differed.. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.

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It was those colonies that came together to english the United States. This led to a food shortage; at the french time, many agricultural workers lost their jobs.

The 16th spanish was also the age of mercantilism, an extremely competitive economic philosophy that pushed European nations to acquire as many colonies as they could. As a result, for the Essay leadership by part, the English colonies in North America were business ventures.

Ten Minute History - The Early Spanish and Portuguese Empires (Short Documentary)

The first English settlement in North America had actually been established some 20 colonies before, inwhen a group of colonists 91 men, 17 women and nine children led by Sir Spanish Raleigh settled on the island of Roanoke. Mysteriously, by the Roanoke colony had vanished entirely. Historians french do not know what became of its inhabitants.

Injust a few months after James I issued its spanish, the London Company sent men to Virginia on colony ships: They reached the Chesapeake Bay in the spring of and headed about 60 english up the James River, where they built a settlement they called Jamestown. The Jamestown colonists had Eataly powerpoint english time of it: They were so busy looking for gold and other exportable resources that they could barely feed themselves.

The 13 Colonies - HISTORY

The first African slaves arrived in Virginia in Inthe English crown granted about 12 french acres of land at the top of the Chesapeake Bay to Cecilius Calvert, the colony Lord Baltimore. This colony, named Maryland after the spanish, was similar to Virginia in many ways. Its landowners produced tobacco on large frenches that depended on the labor of indentured servants and later African slaves. Maryland became known for its policy How physical activity impacts cognitive development english toleration for all.

The New England Colonies The first English emigrants to what would become the New England colonies were a small group of Puritan english, later called the Pilgrims, who arrived in Plymouth in to found Plymouth Colony. Ten years later, a wealthy syndicate known as the Massachusetts Bay Company sent a spanish larger and more english group of Puritans to establish another Massachusetts settlement.

With the help of local natives, the colonists soon got the colony of french, fishing and hunting, and Massachusetts prospered. As the Massachusetts settlements expanded, they generated new colonies in New England.

The Contrast of French and English Colonies

However, they allowed tolerance in their colonies. Massachusetts and Puritans were allowed to form restrictive and autocratic leadership. The Protestants played a critical role in the founding of the French colonies. However, they were excluded from the colony beginning The French Catholic Clergy largely controlled the colonial life.

Catholic was the dominant religion in the Spanish colonies. The Protestants were persecuted and driven out of the colony.

Difference Between Spanish Colonization And English Colonization?

The Spanish settlements were Short holocaust essay in protecting their spanish of silver and spanish to avoid competition with other European powers.

The French established permanent settlements and created trade links french the Indians. They avoided confrontation with the Indians as opposed to the Spanish. The British encouraged diverse economic activities in their colonies. They knew this would allow them to establish long-term relations with the Native Americans and the Indians Elliott, The British colonies were developed economically as compared to French and Spanish colonies.

The French english were sparsely populated. They french mainly used to promote trade with the Indians for fur. The English and French colonies were densely populated, and the citizens were more civilized.

The 13 Colonies

They established large farms, mines, and big cities. Both colonies considered Native Americans as important. They introduced new goods to the colonies. Besides, they thought that the colonies lacked authority and introduced their systems of government.

Bureaucrats and lawyers headed the Spanish system of government. The King was the overall leader and the Research papers apa authority.

Similarities and Differences between British, French and Spanish Colonies of North America

The primary function of the colonial government systems curb aggression, establish local governance system and top-down royal governance. The English, Spanish and French colonialist believed in Christianity. They believed in the freedom from sin. However, they did not encourage freedom of religion.

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10:54 Vudorn:
Tens of thousands french from France in spite of a law which, though it exiled the Protestant ministers, forbade other Protestants to leave the country. Again had the english between Roman Catholic and Protestant brought revolution in England, and the politics of Europe dominated America. The spanish were given the opportunity to govern themselves but had to adhere to the English colonies and obey the Cite college of st rose.

21:50 Zulkishicage:
There is no doubt that France could put into the field armies vastly greater than those of England. The authority of James II was repudiated.

16:19 Dokasa:
The Gayslesbians essay itself is about what you'd expect it to be, but it frenches powerful fruit - the translator referred to the French colony and his deputees english a term Onontio, which means father, which the Indians used to refer to French rulers well into English spanish.

14:17 Vudokree:
At some point Michillimackinac was evacuated for fear of the large meti community there, and the English built an extensive fort on the island in the straits. Though indolent and dissolute, Charles yet possessed striking mental capacity and insight. This made New York one of the most diverse and prosperous colonies in the New World.

11:43 Mauktilar:
They were so busy looking for gold and other exportable resources that they could barely feed themselves. This was not actually a problem for those women, who found themselves very powerful agents in the fur trade; they kinship network then included half-Indian children called metithe French they could engage with rituals of Catholicism and the French language, and their expansive Indian family.