07.08.2010 Public by Kale

Of mice and men essay quotes - Of Mice and Men Summary and Important Quotes Essay Example | Graduateway

Oct 03,  · Of Mice and Men teaches a grim lesson about the nature of human existence. Nearly all of the characters, including George, Lennie, Candy, Crooks, and Curley’s wife, admit, at one time or another, to having a profound sense of loneliness and isolation.

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17:47 Dugami:
Candy appears and talks to Lennie about the rabbits. He also says that Lennie just naturally began staying with Geroge and following him around.

15:48 Tecage:
We go a future. Lennie retrieves the mouse, when George asks him to get and get wood for fire and once again George catches him and confiscates it.

16:19 Mazugul:
He also says that he accepted Lennie because he can play jokes on Lennie without him realising, but one day, he told Lennie to jump into the Sacramento River and Lennie did it. In this chapter, Lennie accidently kills the puppy that Slim had given him by petting it too much and Lennie gets upset as a result.

15:59 Naktilar:
He also says that Lennie just naturally began staying with Geroge and following him around. When Lennie hears about puppies, Lennie asks George to speak to Slim, so he could get a puppy. George tells him about their dream and he also tells Lennie that if anything bad happens, he should come back to this spot and hide.