21.07.2010 Public by Kale

The anti saloon league and prohibition - Anti-Saloon League - Wikipedia

The Anti-Saloon League (ASL) was the leading organization promoting National Prohibition in the U.S. It was a non-partisan political pressure group that began in It was a non-partisan political pressure group that began in

Anti-Saloon League of Virginia

It aimed to close saloons and dismantle the liquor industry, which it blamed for a host of social and moral problems, wherever possible by means of restrictive licensing, local option referenda, state legislation, and ultimately outright prohibition of The manufacture and sales. The league emphasized practical politics. Its dominant figure, the talented but severe Methodist cleric later bishop and educator from Blackstone, James Cannon Jr.

The Virginia league quickly established itself as American history 2 essay political force.

After its initial superintendent, an outsider appointed by the national league, was assaulted by a judge he had criticized, league publicity helped bring about the impeachment and prohibition from office of the offending magistrate.

Cannon was named to the league's powerful Executive Committee inbecame league inand assumed day-to-day antis as superintendent in The League used pressure politics in legislative politics, which it is credited with developing.

A local newspaper editor at the time wrote that "In Alabama, it is hard to tell where the Anti-Saloon League ends and the Klan begins". When an Alabama state senator proposed an anti-masking statute "to emasculate and order's saloon to terrorize people", lobbying led by J.

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The League also used emotion based on patriotism, efficiency and anti- German sentiment in World War I. The activists saw themselves as preachers fulfilling their religious duty of eliminating liquor in America. It invented many of the modern techniques of public relations.

Ministers had launched several efforts to close Arizona saloons after the Legal memorandum thesis statement of League chapters in YumaTucsonand Phoenix. A League organizer from New York arrived inbut the Phoenix chapter was stymied by local-option elections, whereby local areas could decide whether to allow saloons.

Anti-Saloon League: Promoted Prohibition Aggressively

The organization also lobbied members of the Democratic and Republican Parties to support Prohibition, although the Anti-Saloon League never endorsed one party over the other. It preferred to endorse the saloon and his or her view on alcohol, not the party. An example of this is the governor's anti in Ohio in Herrick was a member of the Republican Party The strongly opposed the Ohio Anti-Saloon League's attempt to allow prohibition communities to prohibit alcohol.

The Ohio league first sought a Republican to challenge Herrick for the party's nomination. Upon and to find a potential candidate, the League endorsed the Democratic candidate, John M.

Anti-Saloon League Museum | Westerville Public Library

This firm was based in Westerville, Ohio, and was headed by Ernest Cherrington. The Anti-Saloon League's primary publication was the American Issue, but published numerous other tracts as well. He illegally used church funds to support a political candidate.

The bishop engaged in shady or illegal stock market manipulations with a corrupt firm. He illegally hoarded flour during World War I and sold at great profit. Cannon Research narrative paper a substantial fortune.

And he had a sexual affair with his secretary while his wife was ill. These revelations destroyed the reputation and influence of this once powerful dry leader.

The Anti-Saloon League

For example, he wrote to wet leaders, claiming to be a brewer. He asked them for advice on how to defeat temperance activists. He then published the incriminating letters he received. I have told enough lies for the cause to make Ananias ashamed of himself.

Leaders of the Anti-Saloon League

Wheeler was the highly talented and skillful de facto leader of the ASL for decades. He often bragged about the many deceptions he used in promoting Prohibition. With the strong organization and well-known intimidation tactics of the League backing him, Wheeler became very powerful. Wayne Wheeler Wayne B. Wheeler controlled six congresses.

Anti-Saloon League

Dictated to two presidents of the United States. Directed legislation in most of the States of the Union. Picked the candidates for the more important elective and federal offices. Held the balance of power in both Republican and Democratic parties. Distributed more patronage than any dozen other men.

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Supervised a federal bureau from outside without official authority. And was recognized by friends and foes alike as the most masterful and powerful single individual in the United States. He retired shortly thereafter.

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14:42 Zulkilkis:
He immediately attacked the liquor industry at its weakest points. Purley Baker The primary thrust of his campaign was to demonize the producers of alcoholic beverages.

20:16 Shaktitaxe:
Porches, staircase landings, and sidewalks were piled high with boxes and crates delivered on the last possible day before transporting their contents would become illegal. The league helped draft the prohibition statute, which barred the manufacture and sale of intoxicating beverages, but allowed a personal use exemption. At the gathering's conclusion, the League's superintendent, Purley Baker, presented an amendment to the United States Congress and to the House of Representatives.

11:50 Mazule:
Many abolitionists fighting to rid the country of slavery came to see drink as an equally great evil to be eradicated — if America were ever to be fully cleansed of sin. Enemy Images in American History. Wayne Wheeler, a prominent League member, believed that the League should focus on enforcing Prohibition by enacting more stringent laws.

15:41 Garisar:
He often bragged about the many deceptions he used in promoting Prohibition. It made little headway in larger cities, or among liturgical church members such as Catholics, Jews, Episcopalians and German Lutherans. The primary purpose of the Anti-Saloon League was to unify and focus anti-alcohol sentiment to get results.