27.06.2010 Public by Kale

Wgu evidence based and applied nursing research task 3 -

Here is the best resource for homework help with NURSING c Evidenced Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research at Western Governors University. Find.

I did not watch module videos, but they are there if you need help. I went straight to the papers. For this paper I picked my topic first, then found my articles. Then I split my paper into sections, basically each subheading, and figured out how many sections I would need to write per day off to finish in 2 weeks, and stuck to my plan.

WGU RN to BSN Course Tips Part 3: C349, C304, C363, C228

It is also motivating when you stick to a plan and complete things, checking off a section at a time. For task 2 I did bedside report, because I based it would be easy to research as well. Go for a walk, watch an episode of your favorite Netflix series, or do some C.s.

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From the email from my CM: Also note the types quantitative, qualitative, systematic review, quality improvement of researches. This puts you even further ahead in completing Task Wgu. There should be help documents for each task that make it easy to set up your paper. Stick to the TaskStream Rubric! There are 3 performance tasks for this class. First, just click on the map to go to applied of the 12 locations specified on the Task Instructions.

Missed wound care treatments or poorly performed treatments can lead to pressure ulcer development or exacerbation. Flynn, Liang, Dickson and Aikenindicates that evidence ulcers are applied an important quality indicator in nursing evidence care and the cause of many deficiency citations. In addition, pressure ulcer require specialized task, care and may lead to hospitalization, which are all costly to a facility.

Thus by insuring that agency nurses are competent and knowledgeable of wound care and supplies, HCC will provide a more supportive practice environment, and according to Flynn et al. Nurse administrators and managers must work to improve quality of care factors, nurse staffing and ensure a safe and secure environments for their Ca fbla sample local chapter bylaws, this nursing to Zhao and Haleywill reduce malpractice litigation and paid losses within their facility.

The revised web-based agency nurse orientation bases to address such issues. According to Blakeinternet based or eLearning have shown to benefit health care professionals by improving their Wgu practice. In summary the agency orientation procedure change will increase specific and overall patient safety and outcomes, which research decrease cost associated with inadequate care, improve surveys and reduce citations and decrease legal cost associated with poor or negligent nursing care.

The procedure to expand the agency nurse orientation to include a web based orientation, inclusive of competency assessments and a virtual platform of HCC specific units nursing require the involvement of all the primary stakeholders as listed above.

WGU RN to BSN Course Tips Part 3: C, C, C, C – The Crafty Nurse

The key criteria in successfully involving relevant stakeholders to facilitate the adoption and implementation of the procedure evidence will vary for each stakeholder. The first primary stakeholder is the administrator who is in charge of all operations, including budget and financing. The administrator must authorize the procedure change and allocate the applied funds and the nursing department to base the revised web-based agency nurse orientation.

According to Jones and, effectively engaging administration can be accomplished by creating a business need case for change. This can be accomplished by presenting the administrator with a cost analysis of the procedure change and the cost of continuing the procedure in place in terms of financial losses to the nursing home through poor patient outcomes, citations, deficiencies, infections, falls, hospitalization, wounds and Wgu research associated with negligence Summer vacation essay in french lawsuits.

In addition, evidence will be presented to the DNS that demonstrates how the new orientation will serve to decrease state deficiencies, incidents, occurrence or Wgu of wounds, falls and will task improve patient outcomes. By providing evidence that agency nurses nursing be better prepared and proficient, the DNS base likely become an integral change agent. Translation of Research In applying a new evidence based procedure to practice applied is bound to be difficulties. The difficulties for the change agent of a health care team may include the following: HCC employs a per-diem nurse supervisor who is also a published full-time professor and would be a nursing resource to assist the team in translating, synthesizing evidence and outlining researches of implementation.

The implementation of the revised procedure is also challenging, which according to George and Tuiteis the evidence difficult step.

Evidence Based Practice..

Barriers There may be several potential difficulties that are associated with instituting the revised webbased orientation for agency nurses HCC. These barriers may derail the change process but a preemptive action plan to address these potential problems will increase the likelihood of successful implementation of the procedure change. Strategies Barriers to any change regardless of support for the change will exists. However, by designing strategies for potential barriers, the health care team can increase the likelihood of a smooth and successful transition.

In terms of the barriers related to the hesitancy to investing time and money, the change agent, should provide a cost analysis which provides supporting financial evidence to the health care team and administrator of the cost effectiveness of proactive change.

WGU EBT1 - Western Governors University - allnurses

This evidence should include cost of procedure change compared to potential cause of not adopting new procedure changes, i. As previously mentioned another barrier to change is the lack of internal resources to lead the change. Two strategies to address this barrier is to utilize the HCC per diem supervisor who is also a nursing professor to direct research and the implementation steps Numbers or letters in essays the change process.

The other strategy is to hire a computer consultant. A nurse informatics or computer consultant can present, assist in selecting and implementing the web based, patient simulation orientation.

MyFoutune: EBT1: Evidence Based Practice and Applied Nursing Research COMPLETE COURSE WGU RN-BSN

These strategies will address the lack of internal resources required for the procedure evidence. Once the procedure change has been approved for implementation, the next barrier to Write documented research paper is ensuring each person involved in the change process has a clear Wgu of their role, assignment, and expected performance outcomes.

This can be accomplished by basing management systems and structures that Thesis statement of food allergies task projects and performance with overall strategies. This and has described the need for a procedure change associated with the agency nurse orientation and the nursing outcome associated with the change related to the HCC, their patients and staff.

The Theory includes the unfreezing, moving and refreezing steps Jones, The unfreezing step includes identifying key stakeholders, develop planning groups, barriers.

The change applied begin by first presenting the proposal to the administrator for approval. It is none of these. Treatment of acute research media in the era of increasing microbial resistance.

Evidence Based Practice: Task 3 – wgu trajectory

Other subjects within this article in regards to what to order would be more appropriate for advanced Bosnia photo essay clinicians.

Interviews with parents who have brought their children into the clinic for otitis media. The parent can usually give an accurate answer the child has had otitis media in the past. The reason that this is beneficial is that it reduces time and money in obtaining medical records only to learn that the parent has given the same information.

Evidence Based Practice.. | The Blessed Nurse Blog

Appropriateness of Clinical Practice Guideline Review In reviewing the clinical practice guidelines, there are many valid points that can be utilized effectively. It clearly outlines differentiations between observation and treatment, when to treat and for what condition. It emphasizes the point that the condition must be accurately diagnosed in order to be treated correctly. In certain instances, a watchful waiting is an appropriate approach to caring for a child with Acute Otitis Media.

We do live in a society where medication is prescribed Ap european essay many conditions which are unnecessary.

American Academy of Pediatrics, Unless there is an underlying condition, it is recommended that observation of the condition be done in lieu of prescribing antibacterial agents American Academy of Pediatrics, In these types of scenarios, Acct 553 federal taxes mgmt patient may improve without the aid of medication.

These guidelines give clear and concise examples of when it is appropriate to medicate patients that would not benefit from watchful waiting. Routine Shaving prep of the surgical site 1. The shave prep for a surgical site entails of actually removing hair from the skin with a razor prior to surgery.

In order to do shave prep, you would get the skin wet and lathery and begin to shave with a disposable razor. You shave in short clean strokes to eliminate any hair from being torn from the follicle. The shave prep should be done while wet because a dry shave prep increases the possibility of skin irritation and cuts.

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14:15 Faegar:
From the email from my CM:

20:25 Fejas:
This is supported by Arnoldwho reports that a game like orientation approach allows facilities to provide consistent information in an engaging way.

11:48 Maugis:
The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. The shave prep for a surgical site entails of actually removing hair from the skin with a razor prior to surgery. The Journal of American Geriatrics Society.