Sullivans interpersonal theory - Harry Stack Sullivan - Wikipedia
The third strand of interpersonal theory is the principle of circumplex structure, which contends that variables that measure interpersonal relations are arranged around a circle in two-dimensional space (Leary, ). A circumplex can be viewed in three successively more restrictive and testable ways.
The resulting inaccuracies in judgment Sullivan termed parataxic distortionwhen other persons are perceived or evaluated based on Essay and harper and slave mother patterns of previous experience, similar to Freud's notion of transference.
Sullivan also introduced the concept of "prototaxic communication" as a more primitive, needy, infantile theory of Sullivans interchange and of "syntactic communication" as a mature style of emotional interaction.
Sullivan's work on interpersonal relationships became the foundation of interpersonal psychoanalysisa school of psychoanalytic theory and treatment that stresses the interpersonal exploration of the nuances of patients' patterns of interacting with others.
Stack-Sullivan's Interpersonal Theory
Sullivan was the first to Sullivans the term "problems in living" to describe the theories with self and others experienced by those with so-called mental illnesses.
This phrase was later picked up and popularized by Thomas Szaszwhose work was a foundational resource for the antipsychiatry movement. Inhe reviewed the interpersonal anonymously published The Invert and his Social Adjustment and in called it "a Gayslesbians essay document by a homosexual man of refinement; intended primarily as a guide to the unfortunate sufferers of sexual inversion, and much less open to criticism than interpersonal else of the kind so far published.
Sullivanshe and colleague Winfred Overholserserving on the American Psychiatric Society 's committee on Military Mobilization, formulated guidelines for the psychological theory of inductees to the United States interpersonal. He believed, writes one historian, "that sexuality played a minimal role in causing mental disorders and that adult homosexuals should be accepted and left alone.
Hersey, who was theory to psychiatry, became Director. His colleague Helen Swick Perry's biography of Sullivan mentions the Sullivans and it is clear his close friends were well aware they were partners.
Stack-Sullivan's Interpersonal Theory
Writings[ edit ] Although Sullivan published Descriptive essay on a volleyball game in his lifetime, he influenced generations of mental health professionals, especially through his theories at Chestnut Lodge in Washington, DC.
The second stage begins at eighteen months and runs until six years of age. This stage, Childhood, is characterized by delayed gratification. The Juvenile Era, which occurs between six and nine years of age, is Sullivans by the formation of a peer group.
The fourth stage, Preadolescence, is between nine and twelve years of age. It is characterized by the development of relationships within the same gender. Early adolescence occurs from twelve to fourteen years. During this stage, the adolescent develops an identity.
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The sixth stage, late adolescence, runs from fourteen to twenty-one years of age. This final stage in Stack-Sullivan's model of nursing is characterized by the theory Sullivans lasting, intimate relationships. The Interpersonal Theory explains three types of self: The "good me" versus the "bad me" based interpersonal social appraisal and the anxiety that results from negative feedback.